lab test 9.81   Lab tests are pending.
  lab coat 5.86   I even loved the lab coat I wore.
  lab technician 5.53   Hello, lab technician!
  lab result 3.82   Ask for copies of your lab test results.
  lab worker 3.42   Lab workers must wear protective clothing.
  lab work 3.09   He even does a bit of lab work.
  lab experiment 2.96   Sounds like lab experiment to me.
  lab animal 2.90   He mistreats lab animals.
  lab official 2.90   Lab officials say no.
  lab rat 2.11   Lab rats, relax.
  lab report 2.11   A lab report detects a kidney disease.
  lab module 1.78   All were located on the outside of the off-limits Spektr lab module.
  lab equipment 1.18   But that machine is standard lab equipment, Fildes said.
  lab analysis 1.12   Lab analysis will prove that, Craft says.
  lab mouse 0.99   That is acceptable for a doomed lab mouse.
  lab director 0.92   For many lab directors, it started even before then.
  lab scientist 0.92   One task of lab scientists is figuring out how much bigger.
  lab spokesman 0.92   The same type of generator is available commercially, a lab spokesman said.
  lab employee 0.86   Or it could be a question related to another lab employee.
  lab space 0.86   Are they offering enough lab space to a scientist, enough graduate students to a humanist?
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