kind be 94.80   What kind of voice is it?
  kind have 5.27   What kind of car has she got?
  kind do 3.03   Any kind will do.
  kind make 2.83   That kind of greed makes me puke!
  kind come 2.11   All kinds of people come here.
  kind go 2.04   Some kind of bomb went off.
  kind happen 2.04   That kind of thing happens.
  kind seem 1.65   This kind of delay seems common.
  kind take 1.32   What kind will take decent pictures?
  kind require 1.18   This kind of event requires leisure.
  kind will 0.86   What kind of politics will this produce?
  kind help 0.79   Those kinds of players help you win championships.
  kind can 0.72   What kind of odds could I have gotten?
  kind exist 0.72   A kind of cold war exists between the two.
  kind give 0.72   That kind of talk gives the generals chills.
  kind provide 0.72   That kind of anonymity provides an enormous service.
  kind become 0.66   So, what kind of son becomes a human cannonball?
  kind lead 0.66   This kind of pressure leads to an explosion.
  kind occur 0.66   How does this kind of hatred occur?
  kind use 0.66   These kinds of nights used to be routine for Johnson.
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