jobless rate 25.48   One straw may be the low jobless rate.
  jobless claim 20.08   Jobless claims fell last week.
  jobless figure 8.82   Jobless figures give Kohl boost in campaign.
  jobless benefit 6.45   Jobless benefits will also be reduced.
  jobless people 2.90   There are so many jobless people.
  jobless worker 2.70   Many Jordanians suspect that the jobless workers are turning to crime.
  jobless datum 1.58   January jobless data will be released Friday.
  jobless report 1.51   The jobless report sent stock prices sliding.
  jobless total 1.45   The fall in the jobless total was the biggest monthly fall for almost two years.
  jobless roll 1.32   From April, jobless rolls will begin to shrink, he said.
  jobless protester 1.05   In France, jobless protesters strike again.
  jobless number 0.99   Such cheery jobless numbers have taken everybody by surprise.
  jobless youth 0.92   Jobless youths are a major cause of concern.
  jobless man 0.86   She led police to a house identified as belonging to a jobless man named Zhao.
  jobless situation 0.53   The jobless situation is hitting young workers the hardest.
  jobless immigrant 0.46   It is a sleek saucer of concrete, glass and steel and hovers above a rough Paris suburb of jobless immigrants and poor French families.
  jobless activist 0.39   Jobless activists reacted negatively and said their protests would continue.
  jobless line 0.39   Still, the jobless lines keep growing.
  jobless woman 0.39   Single people, men, workers and jobless women were also keen on having boy babies.
  jobless group 0.33   Talks between officials and jobless groups began Monday.
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