israeli soldier 389.47   An Israeli soldier was wounded.
  israeli troop 386.44   Arab officials spoke of violence by Israeli troops.
  israeli army 319.62   But the Israeli army was taking no chances.
  israeli official 216.59   But a senior Israeli official rejected the reports.
  israeli force 152.40   But for the most part, Israeli forces kept their distance.
  israeli government 125.81   But the Israeli government ignores it.
  israeli police 92.56   Israeli police and soldiers looked on.
  israeli tank 87.36   For the moment, no Israeli tanks were in sight.
  israeli security 79.39   But the larger issue is Israeli security.
  israeli leader 72.68   But about China, Israeli leaders reject it.
  israeli warplane 68.33   Police said no Israeli warplanes were hit.
  israeli military 59.18   The Israeli military denied that.
  israeli helicopter 55.89   Israeli helicopters began buzzing overhead.
  israeli withdrawal 55.30   Elections or Israeli withdrawal?
  israeli radio 51.28   The remarks were broadcast on Israeli radio Monday.
  israeli occupation 47.14   Perpetuating Israeli occupation in the West Bank?
  israeli authority 43.65   Israeli authorities said they were investigating.
  israeli medium 42.13   Some factories closed, the Israeli media reported.
  israeli newspaper 32.13   Even Israeli newspapers treated the action lightly.
  israeli television 29.03   Levy asked on Israeli television.
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