isolate thunderstorm 9.35   Isolated thunderstorm.
  isolate shower 2.76   Isolated showers.
  isolate country 2.57   He isolated the country by befriending the leaders of Cuba and Libya.
  isolate gene 2.24   They expect to isolate the gene itself within two years.
  isolate island 1.32   And deep channels of silence isolate certain islands entirely.
  isolate rebel 1.32   Peru isolates rebels at maximum security prison.
  isolate people 1.18   They want to isolate their people.
  isolate area 0.99   Many rural areas were completely isolated by the flooding.
  isolate community 0.92   Each spring, mud bogs isolate the community from the rest of the world.
  isolate virus 0.86   They then isolated the virus from a kidney of the late horse trainer.
  isolate problem 0.79   Doctors isolated the problem to an artery in his brain stem.
  isolate town 0.79   The town was isolated by the floods.
  isolate government 0.72   Beijing regards Taiwan as a rebel province and seeks to keep its government isolated.
  isolate patient 0.66   Phiri said hospital authorities have isolated the patients until medical experts from Lusaka can examine them.
  isolate cell 0.59   There are some secrets which isolated cells or computers cannot reveal.
  isolate nation 0.53   Tudjman has been charged with isolating the nation with his authoritarian rule.
  isolate group 0.46   But critics call the assistance attempts at isolating the group.
  isolate leader 0.46   The Palestinian leader has been isolated by Israeli forces in his headquarters in the West Bank city of Ramallah.
  isolate protein 0.46   For example, scientists in Denmark have isolated a protein that may fight diabetes .
  isolate regime 0.46   Critics of the junta have long advocated stronger action to isolate the regime to pressure it into political change.
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