investor confidence 53.13   And investor confidence is very, very high.
  investor concern 19.88   But those measures seem to have done little to ease investors concerns.
  investor interest 19.35   Investor interest is also perking up.
  investor sentiment 15.40   Investor sentiment is improving, too.
  investor demand 11.85   Investor demand was strong.
  investor group 8.03   No investor group had been formed yet, he said.
  investor optimism 5.92   Investor optimism continued Tuesday.
  investor relation 5.40   The company is also expert in investor relations.
  investor fear 5.33   That did little to ease investors fears.
  investor enthusiasm 5.20   There were two views on investor enthusiasm.
  investor expectation 4.61   One factor is investor expectations.
  investor worry 4.02   Some analysts said investor worries were overblown.
  investor attention 3.42   Other Arkansas banks are attracting investor attention.
  investor protection 2.96   Costello promised that investor protection would not be weakened.
  investor appetite 2.37   That surge weakened investor appetite for equities.
  investor reaction 2.17   Investor reaction was muted.
  investor base 2.04   The main unknown feature is the nature of the investor base.
  investor lawsuit 1.97   The plan also calls for settlement of all investor lawsuits.
  investor psychology 1.97   He is an expert on investor psychology.
  investor money 1.84   The launch also comes as U.S. investors pour money into international funds.
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