invest money 41.67   Invest the money wisely.
  invest fund 7.77   Funds that invest in virtue.
  invest million 7.11   The government invested millions in the hospital.
  invest billion 4.67   Taiwanese have invested billions of dollars in China.
  invest part 3.36   Sikakane said he would invest part of his salary into the business.
  invest portion 3.29   Whether to invest a portion of Social Security funds in the stock market.
  invest amount 2.83   Both men have a huge amount invested in their struggles.
  invest proceeds 2.76   What can I invest the proceeds in that is safe?
  invest hundred 2.37   They invested hundreds of billions more improving their products.
  invest cash 2.17   Branson invested cash.
  invest sum 2.17   The company has invested huge sums in research.
  invest lot 2.11   Florida has a lot invested in the Macarena.
  invest saving 2.11   But why invest the savings?
  invest time 2.11   --Invest time.
  invest capital 1.84   --Be prepared to invest some capital in caring for your investment.
  invest asset 1.51   The Land Fund uses fund managers to invest its assets.
  invest most 1.38   He saves or invests most of his income.
  invest resource 1.12   We invest fewer resources in defense, diplomacy and development.
  invest rest 1.05   The rest should be invested in gold.
  invest dollar 0.99   It then invests the dollars in Treasury securities.
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