intervene stop 8.23   Police intervened to stop the barrage.
  intervene support 4.28   Yeltsin later intervened to support a settlement.
  intervene prevent 3.82   U.S. Marines intervened to prevent civil war.
  intervene prop_up 2.70   Schroeder has not hesitated to intervene to prop up other businesses, either.
  intervene protect 2.63   Police had to intervene to protect the players.
  intervene help 2.44   Officials said President Clinton was ready to intervene to help close a deal.
  intervene save 1.78   These were the people NATO had intervened to save.
  intervene end 1.71   The army intervened to end the political crisis.
  intervene halt 1.45   Players and other volunteers intervened to halt the fracas.
  intervene separate 1.32   Police intervened to separate the demonstrators when scuffles broke out.
  intervene keep 1.18   Troops intervened to keep the two sides apart.
  intervene restore 1.12   Other journalists intervened to restore calm.
  intervene buy 1.05   In Hong Kong, monetary authorities again intervened to buy stocks.
  intervene try 0.92   They then intervened to try to stop the firing almost as soon as it began.
  intervene disperse 0.79   Police did not intervene to disperse the peaceful protests.
  intervene get 0.79   Bolling intervened to get him into the police academy.
  intervene break_up 0.66   Security forces intervened to break them up.
  intervene ensure 0.66   IFOR units could be called on to intervene to ensure these incidents do not escalate as they have on several occasions in the past days.
  intervene resolve 0.66   But Steinbrenner and commissioner Bud Selig intervened to resolve the problem.
  intervene calm 0.53   IFOR was forced to intervene to calm the situation and maintains patrols in the area.
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