integral part 47.73   Vegetables are an integral part of our diet.
  integral role 1.25   Coaches play an integral role behind the curtain.
  integral component 0.72   Patterson represents an integral component of this bullpen.
  integral aspect 0.59   Eight hundred years later, music remains an integral aspect of Welsh childhood.
  integral element 0.53   At the same time, drugs have become integral elements of treating chronic illnesses.
  integral member 0.39   Since, Muller has become an integral member of the team, on and off the ice.
  integral affinity 0.26   Other patterns do provide, however, an opportunity to recognize such integral stylistic affinity.
  integral character 0.26   And we all know Whedon is not afraid to kill off integral characters.
  integral garage 0.26   The house has huge gardens and an integral garage.
  integral player 0.26   The cell phone, not surprisingly, was an integral player immediately following the mishap.
  integral relationship 0.26   The parts have an integral relationship to the whole.
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