insider say 18.83   Insiders say the dispute was personal.
  insider be 6.85   Fashion insiders are not fans.
  insider sell 1.97   Some insiders sold.
  insider believe 1.78   Most insiders believe the trend will continue.
  insider trade 1.78   The next news of insider trading could come this week.
  insider know 1.38   Insiders knew this was coming.
  insider expect 1.18   NAACP insiders expect his short-lived reign to come to an end.
  insider tell 0.92   Company insiders tell a different story.
  insider have 0.79   And insiders have key advantages.
  insider buy 0.66   Three insiders bought shares ahead of the rally.
  insider give 0.59   One insider gave this example.
  insider predict 0.59   Industry insiders predict rabbits.
  insider think 0.59   Insiders sure think so.
  insider deal 0.53   Why is insider dealing morally wrong?
  insider do 0.53   The draft insiders did.
  insider own 0.53   Company insiders own the rest.
  insider suggest 0.53   Only a year ago, some Denver insiders were suggesting that Pryce was a flop.
  insider take 0.53   Political insiders are taking a closer, more serious look at Checchi.
  insider begin 0.46   It was a few days later that insiders began selling.
  insider call 0.46   Some insiders call it the Town Truck.
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