inland area 4.28   Intermittent showers will dampen inland areas.
  inland water 1.65   Crested wavelets form on inland waters.
  inland region 1.25   It flooded many inland regions, damaging houses there, too, and uprooting trees all over.
  inland waterway 1.25   It is an important inland waterway that sees heavy traffic.
  inland port 1.18   And it transformed the city into a thriving inland port.
  inland section 1.12   Mainly inland sections.
  inland province 0.99   All inland provinces have also submitted applications to set up state-level ETDZs.
  inland lake 0.86   This old river system would have emptied into inland lakes in Utah or Nevada.
  inland city 0.72   Provinces and inland cities have struggled to catch up.
  inland river 0.53   The alternative is to rent a houseboat on an inland river.
  inland sea 0.53   Indeed, the Great Lakes are truly like inland seas.
  inland air 0.46   A strong jet stream carried moist air inland from a storm system approaching the West Coast.
  inland thunderstorm 0.46   Possible inland thunderstorm.
  inland capital 0.39   The stopover in this inland capital caught many by surprise.
  inland town 0.39   ...a rather quiet inland town.
  inland valley 0.39   Patchy fog in inland valleys.
  inland hotel 0.33   Finally, the company is planning an inland hotel at the archeological site of Kohunlich.
  inland moisture 0.33   But its circulation will remain relatively flat, limiting how far inland Atlantic moisture will be able to penetrate.
  inland shrimp 0.33   The premier said he wanted more information about inland shrimp farming before signing the order, Pornthep said.
  inland tribe 0.33   Most are from inland tribes which have traditionally opposed Moi and KANU.
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