inhibit growth 5.07   Strict laws are inhibiting economic growth.
  inhibit development 2.63   The ethylene gas that some fruits emit inhibits bulb development.
  inhibit enzyme 1.58   The old class of drugs inhibited both enzymes.
  inhibit ability 1.45   He said his condition would not inhibit his ability to do his job.
  inhibit production 1.32   Vitamin E inhibits production of fatty acid.
  inhibit action 0.99   But not too much thinking, especially if it inhibits action.
  inhibit formation 0.92   All of them inhibit nitrosamine formation.
  inhibit activity 0.72   Luminal lytic activity is consequently inhibited.
  inhibit investment 0.72   The high cost of borrowing is inhibiting investment by industry in new equipment.
  inhibit absorption 0.59   Olestra inhibits the absorption of some vitamins and other nutrients.
  inhibit competition 0.53   Competitors say the licensing system inhibited competition.
  inhibit freedom 0.53   Thought cops could inhibit freedom of research.
  inhibit movement 0.53   Sale signs were so prominent as to inhibit movement.
  inhibit people 0.53   I think it inhibits some people but she will explain.
  inhibit release 0.53   In rats, leptin works by inhibiting release of NPY.
  inhibit change 0.46   I think the thing that inhibits change most is fear.
  inhibit spread 0.46   In so doing, methadone helps boost employment, inhibit the spread of HIV and cut crime.
  inhibit flow 0.39   Does a videoconference inhibit the flow of ideas that you get in a face-to-face meeting?
  inhibit innovation 0.39   Can strong protection actually inhibit innovation?
  inhibit proliferation 0.39   The researchers said that when they placed ICZ in a tissue culture of breast cancer cells, proliferation was inhibited.
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