influential figure 7.37   Papon was an influential figure in postwar France.
  influential member 5.66   How does one become an influential member?
  influential people 4.28   Do influential people frequent the discussion?
  influential group 4.15   The Finance Committee Democrats are an influential group.
  influential leader 3.62   An influential religious leader condemned the crackdown.
  influential newspaper 3.29   All three men run influential newspapers.
  influential politician 3.29   But influential politicians were still required to push the new policies.
  influential role 2.96   Economic decisions play an equally influential role.
  influential lawmaker 2.63   An influential lawmaker concurred.
  influential business 2.37   But an influential European business representative urged caution.
  influential position 2.04   It involved having friends in influential positions.
  influential voice 1.97   These were supremely influential voices.
  influential post 1.71   Vrdoljak still holds several other influential posts.
  influential friend 1.65   He had influential friends.
  influential official 1.51   Some influential Bundesliga officials for months have been urging a salary cap.
  influential player 1.51   Byrd emerges as influential player in impeachment.
  influential businessman 1.32   But other influential businessmen are still on the scene.
  influential midfielder 1.25   The third, Valdas Ivananusko, is an influential midfielder.
  influential organization 1.18   One of the deputy chairmen of the influential Muhammadiyah Moslem organization headed by Amien Rais.
  influential analyst 1.12   Andrew Shore, an influential analyst with Deutsche Banc Alex.
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