influence decision 16.19   However, they do influence the decision.
  influence outcome 9.48   Does God influence the outcome of games?
  influence policy 7.90   Was U.S. government policy influenced?
  influence election 4.67   Even elections are influenced.
  influence market 4.61   There was little news to influence the market.
  influence price 3.88   The report often influences prices.
  influence voter 3.03   Mexican law forbids the use of gifts to influence voters.
  influence people 2.83   It can and does influence people.
  influence behavior 2.70   This certainly influences my behavior.
  influence way 2.63   But it may influence the way I think.
  influence vote 2.57   Do the symbols influence the vote?
  influence result 2.37   The type of surgery also influenced the results.
  influence event 2.24   The ads suggest fans can influence an event.
  influence work 2.11   You know what influences my work?
  influence course 1.84   How can IMF money influence the course of events in Russia?
  influence choice 1.78   This concern influences the choice of comparator.
  influence debate 1.71   That is where Biden hopes to influence the debate.
  influence generation 1.71   Whatever it did, it influenced a generation.
  influence development 1.65   Film, to a great degree, influenced those developments.
  influence life 1.65   The experience influenced his life.
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