inflate price 7.97   But those prices may be inflated.
  inflate figure 3.95   Canadian officials insist that figure is inflated.
  inflate cost 3.16   Critics say the trend inflates health care costs.
  inflate balloon 3.09   Fully inflated helium balloons.
  inflate value 2.90   The strong reaction to it inflates its value.
  inflate number 2.50   Inflate the numbers.
  inflate earnings 1.91   During the bull market, a lot of gimmicks were used to inflate earnings.
  inflate profit 1.84   Short-sellers say such information could demonstrate whether Tyco was inflating its profits.
  inflate revenue 1.18   That involved a variety of false entries to inflate revenue and defer expenses.
  inflate amount 0.72   Without police presence the other driver can easily inflate the amount of the damages.
  inflate count 0.72   Turkey, a key U.S. military ally and NATO member, says the death count is inflated.
  inflate tire 0.72   Keep your tires properly inflated.
  inflate bill 0.66   Delays in key construction projects could further inflate the bill.
  inflate estimate 0.66   The construction estimates were inflated.
  inflate grade 0.59   He also reportedly suggested West inflated student grades.
  inflate loss 0.59   That inflated the losses.
  inflate result 0.59   As a result, he said, the citywide results were mistakenly inflated.
  inflate claim 0.53   Hobbyists say that claim was inflated.
  inflate fee 0.53   But the protesters claim that the fee is inflated.
  inflate casualty 0.46   It has accused the Taliban of inflating civilian casualties.
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