indonesian government 51.61   Once again, the Indonesian government was not involved.
  indonesian troop 24.36   Downer criticized the actions of Indonesian troops.
  indonesian military 24.09   The militias are linked to the Indonesian military.
  indonesian official 21.26   Indonesian officials await IMF bailout plan.
  indonesian authority 19.03   Indonesian authorities were investigating, Ong said.
  indonesian rupiah 15.21   The Indonesian rupiah lost half its value.
  indonesian police 11.85   I believe it was Indonesian police. . . .
  indonesian soldier 11.32   Since last month, Indonesian soldiers have killed two protesters.
  indonesian rule 10.60   They blamed militiamen who support Indonesian rule.
  indonesian company 10.07   Most Indonesian companies have high import content.
  indonesian capital 9.68   Rains fall in Indonesian capital.
  indonesian army 8.95   Nor are they the Indonesian army.
  indonesian security 8.03   It is the fear of the Indonesian security forces.
  indonesian worker 7.70   Most victims were migrant Indonesian workers.
  indonesian law 6.58   Any trial will take place in Jakarta under Indonesian law.
  indonesian stock 6.19   Indonesian stocks also rose.
  indonesian economy 5.92   The Indonesian economy has deteriorated further.
  indonesian flag 5.92   Indonesian flags have also been burned.
  indonesian province 5.00   Strong earthquake hits remote Indonesian province.
  indonesian currency 4.87   The Indonesian currency is the rupiah.
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