indigent defendant 3.23   As a practicing attorney, he founded an indigent defendant program.
  indigent patient 1.91   The clinic provides free care for indigent patients.
  indigent defense 1.51   We are a Third World country when it comes to indigent defense.
  indigent people 1.05   The program provides health care for indigent people.
  indigent care 0.86   It contributes almost nothing to indigent care.
  indigent client 0.66   Lawyers host one-on-one sessions with indigent clients, advising them on contract and credit issues.
  indigent child 0.46   Private orphanages will care for indigent children.
  indigent capital 0.33   Workman, who is represented by a state-financed office for indigent capital defense, has accumulated an interesting coalition of advocates.
  indigent family 0.26   The selection was based on the economic status of the indigent families.
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