independence movement 18.50   Albanians want stronger independence movement.
  independence leader 9.41   In Indonesia, the independence leader was Sukarno.
  independence fighter 7.44   The rebels claim they are Muslim independence fighters.
  independence referendum 6.25   They want an independence referendum instead.
  independence activist 5.00   Tibet independence activists have welcomed it.
  independence drive 4.21   Mesic commended Tudjman for the independence drive.
  independence supporter 4.08   Their attackers were believed to be independence supporters, he said.
  independence hero 3.23   Lithuanian independence hero loses luster.
  independence celebration 2.90   He will be the chief guest at independence celebrations Wednesday.
  independence war 2.70   The crackdown started a nine-month independence war.
  independence struggle 2.57   Thousands have died in the LTTE-led independence struggle.
  independence issue 2.50   Hsu ducked the independence issue.
  independence vote 2.37   Taiwanese continue hunger strike for independence vote.
  independence campaign 2.11   Militia disrupt independence campaign.
  independence declaration 1.71   Ethnic Albanians celebrate anniversary of independence declaration.
  independence bid 1.32   Russia sent troops to Chechnya in December to quell its three-year independence bid.
  independence group 1.18   Later entries record dozens of alleged plots against Munoz by independence groups.
  independence advocate 1.12   Police blamed the attacks on young independence advocates.
  independence sentiment 1.05   The crackdown backfired, fueling independence sentiments.
  independence flag 0.99   The New Zealand flag was stomped on and rebel Maori independence flags were raised.
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