indefinite extension 9.94   Washington has lobbied hard for indefinite extension.
  indefinite detention 9.15   Indefinite detention.
  indefinite period 7.44   They will serve for an indefinite period.
  indefinite strike 5.73   An indefinite strike has been threatened.
  indefinite curfew 3.36   An indefinite curfew was imposed in the area,
  indefinite suspension 2.44   They were place on indefinite suspension.
  indefinite hold 1.78   He has put the trial on indefinite hold.
  indefinite leave 1.65   MacMillan sent Harper on indefinite leave.
  indefinite ban 1.45   The third faces an indefinite ban.
  indefinite postponement 1.18   And the consequences of this indefinite postponement continue to this day.
  indefinite stay 1.18   The Cubans face an indefinite stay here.
  indefinite delay 0.99   If sales flatten, there could be an indefinite delay.
  indefinite imprisonment 0.99   It provides for indefinite imprisonment without trial.
  indefinite closure 0.92   School director Winij Prathanraj announced an indefinite closure of the institution.
  indefinite time 0.86   The horse was injured for an indefinite time.
  indefinite future 0.66   The Creation is followed by an indefinite future within historical time.
  indefinite cease-fire 0.59   It has been observing an indefinite cease-fire since last September.
  indefinite sit-in 0.46   In front of the nearby Press Club the main opposition party, the Awami League, continued its indefinite sit-in.
  indefinite walkout 0.46   Besides the airlines, most of the other work sites affected by the indefinite walkout were in the metals and chemical industries.
  indefinite renewal 0.39   The United States is pushing for an indefinite renewal of the treaty.
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