incorporate element 4.08   They decided to incorporate that element in their work.
  incorporate technology 3.55   Instead, it would let others incorporate its technology.
  incorporate feature 2.76   Other locations will incorporate certain features.
  incorporate company 1.71   Where are his companies incorporated?
  incorporate change 1.12   Now these changes have been incorporated in Shays-Meehan.
  incorporate material 1.05   INCORPORATES material from Israel-Rabin,
  incorporate idea 0.99   Now she has incorporated that idea into a book.
  incorporate information 0.86   Incorporates information from BC-Sweden-Yeltsin-Nuclear.
  incorporate standard 0.86   Incorporate pop standards into his opera?
  incorporate area 0.79   In such an event, Bar-Illan said Israel would incorporate areas under its control.
  incorporate datum 0.79   A graphic incorporating this data will be available from Austin.
  incorporate ingredient 0.79   Stir to incorporate ingredients.
  incorporate number 0.79   The new cars will incorporate a number of major improvements.
  incorporate provision 0.79   Like all compromises, the plan incorporates provisions disliked by all.
  incorporate gene 0.72   Would any stem cells incorporate the gene?
  incorporate part 0.72   The new plant is to incorporate parts of the old one.
  incorporate aspect 0.66   Lucy incorporates aspects of both.
  incorporate suggestion 0.66   The person familiar with those discussions said that some suggestions have been incorporated and others rejected.
  incorporate term 0.66   The terms were therefore incorporated.
  incorporate finding 0.59   Those findings were incorporated into the revised report on the Colorado Springs crash.
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