incite violence 9.35   Bahrain blames Iran for inciting the violence.
  incite riot 5.07   He incited a riot tonight.
  incite hatred 4.48   They are often charged with promoting separatism and inciting hatred.
  incite unrest 3.36   The government accused them of trying to incite unrest.
  incite people 1.78   Kenyans are very angry and I will incite my people.
  incite protest 1.78   But sites banned for political reasons incite protests.
  incite crowd 1.65   I was not inciting the crowd.
  incite attack 1.25   Price was found to have incited the attack.
  incite murder 0.92   Saro-Wiwa was charged with inciting their murders.
  incite massacre 0.79   The authorities accuse Thalib of having incited the massacre during a sermon.
  incite public 0.79   After inciting the public, these people moved to another location.
  incite war 0.72   On the contrary it incites war.
  incite conflict 0.66   Fathers, in contrast, were more likely to withdraw from their families or incite conflict.
  incite rebellion 0.66   The Taliban said Haq was planning to incite a rebellion.
  incite supporter 0.53   The party agreed not to incite its supporters to violence.
  incite student 0.46   He denied inciting the students at the college to a party at the college organized by friends.
  incite trouble 0.46   Iran denies inciting the trouble.
  incite division 0.39   Mahran is charged with publishing indecent pictures, undermining national security and inciting sectarian division.
  incite tension 0.39   Now the desertions to Stability may incite further tensions within their own ranks.
  incite act 0.33   He was also accused of inciting an act of terrorism overseas and four counts relating to financing terrorism.
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