inaccurate information 5.40   Sometimes, witnesses lie, or provide inaccurate information.
  inaccurate report 1.84   There were inaccurate reports Favre was an alcoholic.
  inaccurate statement 0.99   Wallace also has sued Moore, claiming it made inaccurate statements about the takeover effort.
  inaccurate datum 0.79   Some spew inaccurate data.
  inaccurate testimony 0.46   Chairman Dan Burton, R-Ind., reminded Howard he was under oath and that inaccurate testimony could lead to prosecution.
  inaccurate figure 0.39   Story contained inaccurate figures.
  inaccurate portrayal 0.39   But numbers can also paint an inaccurate portrayal of investor sentiment.
  inaccurate result 0.39   Explain and discuss the factors which may cause the Black-Scholes model to yield inaccurate results.
  inaccurate address 0.33   Some of the letters are being returned because of inaccurate addresses, he said.
  inaccurate conclusion 0.33   Because of those limitations, comparing one school with another may yield inaccurate conclusions.
  inaccurate picture 0.33   Red Hook made headlines with the incident, but residents say it gives an inaccurate picture.
  inaccurate price 0.33   America Online Inc. is under fire for reporting inaccurate stock prices of companies on its network.
  inaccurate answer 0.26   When lawmakers grilled her about the economy and her policy plans, she often stumbled or provided inaccurate answers.
  inaccurate casualty 0.26   Russian officials regularly give inaccurate casualty tolls.
  inaccurate description 0.26   Giuliani mocked Messinger for what he said was an inaccurate description of the board.
  inaccurate news 0.26   As for the investing public, they must be mindful of such rumours and inaccurate news.
  inaccurate perception 0.26   This was not an inaccurate perception as the walls of segregation began to crumble after the war.
  inaccurate story 0.26   But the Afghan organization involved has often released inaccurate stories.
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