imprisoned rebel 3.75   Other imprisoned rebels were also to be freed.
  imprisoned leader 3.55   Lawyer for imprisoned Kurdish leader to boycott trial.
  imprisoned member 2.04   Imprisoned members are critical in forming policy.
  imprisoned comrade 1.91   They demanded freedom for imprisoned comrades.
  imprisoned guerrilla 1.71   Fujimori has ruled out a swap of hostages for imprisoned guerrillas.
  imprisoned dissident 1.32   They said they were refused access to four imprisoned dissidents.
  imprisoned militant 1.12   The Indian authorities have ruled out freeing any imprisoned militants.
  imprisoned opposition 1.05   Members of his entourage say he will also visit the families of imprisoned opposition leaders.
  imprisoned journalist 0.92   The group urged the government to free the imprisoned journalists.
  imprisoned husband 0.86   Like her imprisoned husband, Nada Sakic faces war crimes charges.
  imprisoned activist 0.66   The group provides funds to imprisoned ETA activists.
  imprisoned woman 0.66   Families of imprisoned women are always likely to suffer.
  imprisoned aid 0.53   It was a particularly fine day for the two American women, among the imprisoned aid workers, said Donahue.
  imprisoned colleague 0.46   The rebels demand the release of imprisoned colleagues.
  imprisoned politician 0.46   Imprisoned politician denies coup participation.
  imprisoned man 0.39   Public opinion is gradually shifting in favor of the imprisoned men.
  imprisoned soldier 0.39   Yavlinsky said Dudayev agreed to let the lawmakers trade themselves for the imprisoned soldiers.
  imprisoned boss 0.33   Agnello is the son-in-law of John J. Gotti, the imprisoned Gambino family boss.
  imprisoned labor 0.33   The liberty reference apparently pertained to imprisoned Indonesian labor leaders.
  imprisoned deputy 0.26   But ultimately, Lee said, his sympathies lay with Mahathir -- not his imprisoned former deputy premier, Anwar Ibrahim.
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