impose prevent 1.45   That closure had been imposed to prevent suicide attacks.
  impose follow 0.92   The ban was imposed following the bombings.
  impose punish 0.86   Economic sanctions were imposed to punish Milosevic.
  impose protect 0.79   The curfew was imposed to protect property from looters, police said.
  impose force 0.72   The sanctions were imposed to force Buyoya to open peace talks with the rebels.
  impose help 0.59   Or should each country decide how much capital control is to be imposed to help build some kind of a stability mechanism?
  impose curb 0.46   Should stricter punishment be imposed to curb piracy?
  impose bar 0.33   Italian Foreign Minister Lamberto Dini suggested that a naval blockade might be imposed to bar illegal immigration.
  impose ensure 0.33   Some limitation seems likely to be imposed which ensures that only larger firms will be able to enter MDPs.
  impose halt 0.33   Lt. Gen. Amnon Shahak said that the closure imposed to halt suicide bomb attacks in Israel could boomerang.
  impose require 0.33   A condition can be imposed requiring operations to commence within a specified time.
  impose allow 0.26   Mokhchayev said the restrictions had been imposed to allow Russian forces to clear Grozny of mines planted by rebels.
  impose keep 0.26   The conditions were imposed to keep increased traffic in the neighborhood at a minimum.
  impose pay 0.26   Should taxes be imposed to pay local U.N. staff?
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