imperial family 6.52   In the imperial family, that means knowing your place.
  imperial couple 3.09   The imperial couple flew into in to Paris Monday.
  imperial capital 2.57   He tries to make London look like an imperial capital.
  imperial power 2.37   The rise and fall of a former imperial power.
  imperial palace 1.97   The imperial palace has largely been restored.
  imperial court 1.65   He has retained his post at the imperial court in Hue.
  imperial army 1.25   The women forced into Imperial army brothels are demanding individual compensation.
  imperial eagle 1.05   Imperial eagles flank an imposing stone fireplace.
  imperial presidency 1.05   Welcome back, imperial presidency.
  imperial city 0.92   Now the imperial city is threatened by another plague.
  imperial ambition 0.86   Their political philosophy is laced with racism and imperial ambition.
  imperial rule 0.72   These disciplines were to prove an index of the strength of imperial rule.
  imperial past 0.66   Britons were even hazier about the great battles and figures of the imperial past.
  imperial force 0.53   This time the imperial forces were better prepared.
  imperial wizard 0.53   Sheeley, a wisp of a man with tinted glasses, seemed even smaller alongside his imperial wizard.
  imperial authority 0.46   Outfitted in his regal trappings, he would symbolize imperial authority.
  imperial household 0.46   The imperial household had no comment.
  imperial system 0.46   The imperial system collapsed.
  imperial crown 0.39   Though not an imperial crown, since Italy is a democracy.
  imperial measure 0.39   A navy spokesman earlier said some of the charts, set in imperial measures, were accurate.
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