impenetrable wall 0.99   It creates impenetrable walls.
  impenetrable barrier 0.92   It seemed an impenetrable psychological barrier.
  impenetrable fog 0.53   Then they hit impenetrable fog.
  impenetrable shield 0.39   It did not promise an impenetrable shield.
  impenetrable blackness 0.33   Somewhere in the impenetrable blackness was a desperate man, cold, hungry, hunted.
  impenetrable bureaucracy 0.26   Owners of small farms, like Bonilla, complain about the lack of credit and the impenetrable bureaucracy.
  impenetrable defense 0.26   New Zealand shackled the South Africans through its tight tackling and an almost impenetrable defense.
  impenetrable jungle 0.26   On either side is impenetrable jungle.
  impenetrable layer 0.26   It matted down to form an impenetrable layer, similar to a pile of whole sheets.
  impenetrable mangrove 0.26   Four villages built on exposed sand spits were washed into the lagoon, which remains littered with bodies caught in impenetrable mangroves.
  impenetrable thicket 0.26   Recently Ms. Vierny searched for the route, only to be confronted by an impenetrable thicket.
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