impede effort 4.02   Rain is another problem impeding aid efforts.
  impede progress 3.82   Storms at sea impeded our progress.
  impede investigation 2.70   And that can impede investigations.
  impede flow 1.78   Objects on the ground impede air flow.
  impede growth 1.58   Inflation eventually impedes growth, he said.
  impede ability 1.12   Their lack of recognition impedes their ability to trade with countries other than Turkey.
  impede work 1.12   Reporters crowded narrow tunnels dug to pull out survivors, impeding rescue work.
  impede development 1.05   The rampant corruption impedes development.
  impede operation 0.92   Do not impede KFOR operations.
  impede recovery 0.92   -- How greatly does depression impede recovery?
  impede access 0.79   Access is further impeded by a lack of nearby roads.
  impede movement 0.79   Violence would merely impede the movement, organizers said Friday.
  impede traffic 0.79   Residents have dragged out concrete barriers to impede traffic on their streets.
  impede investment 0.53   Anything that clouds consumer confidence or impedes business investment will just delay recovery.
  impede negotiation 0.46   Clinton said U.S. sales of defensive weapons to Taiwan should not impede reunification negotiations between Beijing and Taipei.
  impede research 0.46   Michael Mithoefer said the fact that Ecstasy is a hot commodity among some teen-agers should not impede research.
  impede sale 0.46   Instead, it has leased maps from competitors, and still does, which could impede any sale.
  impede advance 0.39   Those forces have impeded advances over the years by the opposition northern alliance.
  impede inspection 0.39   Two weeks ago, Butler said Iraq was still hiding weapons and trying to impede inspections.
  impede process 0.39   For decades, that process was impeded as much by outsiders as by Africans.
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