identification number 19.09   Each body is given an identification number.
  identification paper 9.55   Two victims carried no identification papers.
  identification system 5.13   Institute a national identification system.
  identification document 4.48   No identification documents were found on them.
  identification process 3.42   He said it is critical to the identification process.
  identification badge 2.90   He wore an identification badge naming him as S. Wassat.
  identification tag 2.30   The briefcase did not have any identification tags.
  identification code 1.32   They actually are plastic resin identification codes.
  identification check 1.18   Police stand by, stopping cars for identification checks.
  identification bracelet 0.92   She wore no medical identification bracelet.
  identification procedure 0.92   Complex identification procedures are expected to take many days.
  identification purpose 0.92   Dyes may be added for identification purposes.
  identification information 0.59   If foul play is suspected, the identification information is entered into a national computer system.
  identification program 0.59   The Bosnia mass DNA identification program is the largest attempt of its kind.
  identification requirement 0.59   The bill passed on Thursday retains identification requirements.
  identification technology 0.59   The bin would require the widespread use of radio frequency identification technology.
  identification technique 0.53   Human error identification techniques include task analysis or reference to checklists of potential human errors.
  identification band 0.46   They draw blood, weigh the bird, and affix identification bands to its legs before releasing it.
  identification effort 0.39   While this frustrates identification efforts, few fault local officials.
  identification book 0.33   Maybe I should get a bird identification book too.
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