hysterical laughter 1.38   ...hysterical laughter.
  hysterical woman 0.53   Moments later, a farmer escorted a hysterical woman splattered with blood into the bank.
  hysterical crowd 0.39   The next day, hysterical crowds lined up for half a mile to view his body.
  hysterical mother 0.33   The hysterical mother called Mack in shock.
  hysterical parent 0.26   Hysterical parents were calling the school for details of the accident.
  hysterical passenger 0.26   I had an image of me with sweaty palms fumbling with the handle, while hysterical passengers yelled at me to hurry up.
  hysterical reaction 0.26   And, naturally, there were agitated, if not hysterical reactions.
  hysterical tone 0.26   But the ludicrous drama and hysterical tone of the piece ultimately renders any serious engagement futile.
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