hydraulic system 5.20   Critical hydraulic system fails on space shuttle.
  hydraulic fluid 2.63   Jams can occur because of contaminants in the hydraulic fluid.
  hydraulic lift 1.97   Elaborate sets, hydraulic lifts?
  hydraulic pump 1.65   The boat has no fewer than five hydraulic pumps.
  hydraulic jack 1.58   Hydraulic jacks slowly pushed it to its new home.
  hydraulic cement 1.38   Fill with hydraulic cement.
  hydraulic line 1.25   Engineers believe an air bubble became trapped in a critical hydraulic line.
  hydraulic pressure 1.12   The segment makes motors and pumps that depend on hydraulic pressure.
  hydraulic power 0.92   A sensitive toggle switch in the hydraulic power system was blamed.
  hydraulic problem 0.86   The Ferrari also had a gearbox hydraulic problem and some understeer.
  hydraulic cylinder 0.72   At each wheel there are hydraulic cylinders that answer to a sensor.
  hydraulic brake 0.66   At least the hydraulic brakes worked when we landed.
  hydraulic suspension 0.66   The bike has disc brakes and hydraulic suspension.
  hydraulic device 0.46   The companies plan to lift the Kursk using hydraulic devices mounted on a giant barge.
  hydraulic failure 0.46   There were at least two other incidents involving hydraulic failures on Sea Knights this year, both in California.
  hydraulic platform 0.46   Three appliances and a hydraulic platform tackled the blaze.
  hydraulic unit 0.46   Newer hydraulic units rearrange the channels so that reversal is not possible, the aviation agency said.
  hydraulic engineering 0.39   His expertise is said to be hydraulic engineering.
  hydraulic equipment 0.39   Rescuers used hydraulic equipment to free many of the injured from the wreckage, Munusamy said.
  hydraulic leak 0.33   Ten days later, a hydraulic leak caused them to lose steering.
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