hushed tone 5.00   They spoke in hushed tones.
  hushed voice 1.78   They talked in groups in hushed voices.
  hushed courtroom 1.18   Hunt told the hushed courtroom.
  hushed crowd 0.79   A hushed crowd is usually watching him.
  hushed silence 0.59   In hushed silence I stopped and listened.
  hushed chamber 0.46   Communists in the hushed chamber looked stunned by the voting results.
  hushed whisper 0.46   Crawford sings in a hushed whisper.
  hushed conversation 0.39   Two men in dark suits were having a hushed conversation in the corner.
  hushed audience 0.33   Many in the hushed audience had tears in their eyes.
  hushed moment 0.26   For hushed moments we stood, mouths agape.
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