hurricane warning 20.61   All hurricane warnings for Mexico were canceled.
  hurricane watch 14.81   A hurricane watch was in effect Sunday.
  hurricane season 13.56   It is hurricane season.
  hurricane center 4.28   Phone lines often jam at the hurricane center.
  hurricane victim 2.70   Hurricane victims mark Day of the Dead.
  hurricane force 2.57   Bertha nears hurricane force.
  hurricane strength 2.57   Hortense remains at hurricane strength.
  hurricane wind 2.30   Hurricane winds went down to sea level.
  hurricane damage 2.11   St. John suffered considerable hurricane damage.
  hurricane specialist 1.65   It posed no immediate threat to land, said hurricane specialist Ed Rappaport.
  hurricane activity 1.58   Hurricane activity peaks in mid-September.
  hurricane expert 1.25   Other hurricane experts have similar concerns.
  hurricane forecaster 1.18   Hurricane forecasters said it posed no threat to land.
  hurricane condition 0.99   Coast Guard says weather is at hurricane conditions.
  hurricane shelter 0.86   Many Nassau residents were already in hurricane shelters.
  hurricane hit 0.66   If the hurricane hits, his house could be wiped out.
  hurricane preparation 0.66   In Florida, hurricane preparations moved into high gear at dawn Thursday.
  hurricane shutter 0.66   Hurricane shutters were closed for the season.
  hurricane alert 0.59   Early today, a hurricane alert was posted for Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
  hurricane status 0.59   Arthur is the only one that did not achieve hurricane status.
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