humane treatment 3.42   - humane treatment,
  humane society 2.90   Humane society protests killing of dogs.
  humane way 1.51   Humane way to eliminate somebody.
  humane condition 0.79   Ask if garments were manufactured under humane conditions.
  humane approach 0.66   But he takes a more humane approach with the young.
  humane letter 0.66   University officials named Dawson a doctor of humane letters in May.
  humane thing 0.66   It is the humane thing to do.
  humane group 0.59   But the humane groups say the Fish and Wildlife plan is outdated.
  humane method 0.53   Only humane methods may be used to kill sick animals or those that must be destroyed by law.
  humane trap 0.53   So are humane animal traps.
  humane organization 0.46   Many humane organizations and rescue clubs are looking for foster homes for pets.
  humane policy 0.46   Following its defeat, calls have begun within Labor for a more humane policy.
  humane value 0.46   ...the humane values of socialism.
  humane solution 0.39   Many a time I watched other uncles, aunts and cousins plead in vain for more humane solutions.
  humane alternative 0.26   Against this backdrop, prisons across the country are increasingly turning to hospices as a humane alternative.
  humane association 0.26   The humane association said that Buckeye Egg has mischaracterized its assessment.
  humane care 0.26   I believe we are left with a clear mandate to push for more humane care.
  humane environment 0.26   Members are to focus on creating a more humane environment, which often impels them to social action.
  humane slaughter 0.26   He fought for humane kosher slaughter.
  humane system 0.26   Others praised him as a brave leader who had created a triumphantly humane system.
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