hover above 14.75   She felt him hover above her.
  hover in 11.39   Elements hover in space.
  hover around 11.26   Bees hovered around the hive.
  hover near 10.53   They would hover near a man.
  hover at 6.71   Instead, she hovered at its edge.
  hover on 3.62   Balfour hovered on the edge of the plot.
  hover nearby 3.09   Gulls hovered nearby.
  hover between 2.11   He is hovering between life and death.
  hover like 2.11   She hovered like a spectre over the Tories.
  hover about 1.18   An aura of violence still hovers about him.
  hover below 1.18   He said temperatures hovered below zero.
  hover for 0.99   Gracie hovered for days in critical condition.
  hover outside 0.99   Andy Warhol was hovering outside.
  hover behind 0.72   Breathy synthesizer chords hovered behind him.
  hover by 0.59   I hovered by the stool, adopting a sideways stance and planting one hand on the edge of the bar.
  hover off 0.53   He targets fish that are hovering off the bottom near schools of shad.
  hover as 0.46   The curious hovered as new guests arrived bearing dishes.
  hover to 0.33   We hovered over to a fuel bladder at one end of the field to refuel.
  hover in_front_of 0.26   Female flies have been photographed hovering in front of ants before striking.
  hover with 0.26   If they huddled to gossip, he would hover with his veneer of interest and his silent distrust.
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