horrified witness 0.79   He slumped to the ground, covered in blood, before horrified witnesses.
  horrified fascination 0.46   The Doctor watched all this in horrified fascination.
  horrified look 0.39   She shot him a horrified look.
  horrified nation 0.33   The entire episode was televised live across a horrified nation.
  horrified passenger 0.33   Horrified passengers saw the man fall under the train.
  horrified tourist 0.33   Horrified tourists watched late Friday as the crocodile, Solomon, seized her leg.
  horrified onlooker 0.26   Scenes of horrified onlookers watching from nearby streets conjure up old sci-fi images of a terrified populace fleeing a rampaging Godzilla.
  horrified parent 0.26   Horrified parents, take note.
  horrified peacekeeper 0.26   Horrified peacekeepers wept as they tried to help the wounded, who included children.
  horrified resident 0.26   The killings, all particularly brutal, have horrified residents of the Latvian capital.
  horrified spectator 0.26   Horrified spectators in the public gallery took to their heels when he started the assault.
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