hormonal change 2.44   Hormonal changes may be at work.
  hormonal therapy 1.32   ...hormonal therapies.
  hormonal imbalance 0.99   The doctor mentioned a hormonal imbalance.
  hormonal treatment 0.79   This therapy typically includes chemotherapy or hormonal treatment with tamoxifen after cancer surgery.
  hormonal level 0.53   The rising hormonal levels of pregnancy, which could encourage cancer growth, would be halted.
  hormonal effect 0.46   But only for a few weeks, until the hormonal effect wore off.
  hormonal contraceptive 0.39   But would men use a male hormonal contraceptive -- and would women trust them to?
  hormonal drug 0.39   The hormonal drug stimulates red blood cell production in bone marrowto fight anemia.
  hormonal system 0.39   Diabetes, weight gain, even aging seem to be regulated by the hormonal system.
  hormonal problem 0.33   It has a variety of causes, including early sex abuse, a troubled marriage and hormonal problems.
  hormonal reaction 0.33   Red has the power to bolster body temperature and set off hormonal reactions, Mirkin said.
  hormonal signal 0.33   Other grafting experiments suggested that the hypothalamus was the neural recipient of the hormonal signal.
  hormonal surge 0.33   Why do fervent fans have hormonal surges and other psychological changes while watching games?
  hormonal activity 0.26   Hormonal activity can increase the risk of ACL tears.
  hormonal balance 0.26   ...our individual hormonal balance.
  hormonal fluctuation 0.26   Antibiotics and hormonal fluctuations could play a role but not everyone is susceptible.
  hormonal response 0.26   That means that a mother who is nursing a baby has a very different hormonal response from one who is nursing a toddler.
  hormonal swing 0.26   Several experts believe that some women are unduly sensitive to postpartum hormonal swings.
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