honorary degree 16.33   He was awarded an honorary degree.
  honorary doctorate 14.35   He holds two honorary doctorates.
  honorary chairman 9.02   He is the honorary chairman.
  honorary member 5.40   Honorary member there.
  honorary president 4.61   Moret will be honorary president.
  honorary consul 4.41   He is the honorary consul of Sweden in Turin.
  honorary citizen 3.23   Can we quickly make them honorary citizens?
  honorary title 2.70   Gingrich now holds an honorary title with GOPAC.
  honorary citizenship 2.37   The two cities have awarded him honorary citizenship.
  honorary secretary 1.65   The letter was signed by FINA honorary secretary Gunnar Werner.
  honorary award 1.38   Daly was given an honorary award.
  honorary knighthood 1.38   Reports say New York mayor to receive honorary knighthood.
  honorary chairwoman 1.32   Mrs. Clinton would be the honorary chairwoman.
  honorary doctor 1.25   Bush received an honorary doctor of laws degree.
  honorary captain 1.05   Fittingly, Young will be an honorary captain for Dunbar.
  honorary life 0.99   He was appointed honorary life president of the IOC.
  honorary position 0.99   Arafat appointed him minister of state, an honorary position.
  honorary chair 0.86   Caroline Kennedy was honorary chair.
  honorary post 0.79   Say, an honorary post at the local VFW?
  honorary co-chairman 0.66   Gilder and Rhodes are honorary co-chairmen.
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