honor guard 20.74   An honor guard unloaded the coffin.
  honor student 13.30   Jackson became an honor student.
  honor roll 2.50   Honor rolls would not matter.
  honor killing 2.30   Jordanians call the crime an honor killing.
  honor program 1.32   An honors day program was cancelled.
  honor ceremony 1.05   Arafat and Hamad warmly shook hands at an honor guard ceremony at Gaza International Airport.
  honor class 1.05   He said he was in honors classes there.
  honor code 0.99   Is golf just full of itself with its honor code?
  honor list 0.92   A credible honors list reflects well on governments.
  honor college 0.53   Promoted as an elite school within Adelphi, the honors college makes special efforts to recruit students.
  honor course 0.53   He was taking one honors language arts course, Snare said.
  honor graduate 0.53   He came to Mississippi as an honors graduate from high school.
  honor degree 0.39   He has a BA degree from Cambridge University, an honors degree in economics and history.
  honor system 0.33   More puzzling is why the honors systems in Britain and France have opted for populism.
  honor thesis 0.33   In some departments a research project might constitute an honors thesis.
  honor board 0.26   She was a member of the Delta Gamma Sorority and was on the honor board.
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