historian say 20.87   Lucky, says historian Hess, is good.
  historian be 6.25   Historians are ecstatic.
  historian believe 4.87   Cycling historians believe otherwise.
  historian have 2.44   But more historians had their doubts.
  historian agree 2.04   Historians agree.
  historian argue 1.65   A historian argues for an evolutionary view of freedom.
  historian consider 1.51   Most historians consider the battle a draw.
  historian know 1.45   Historians know better.
  historian see 1.45   As some historians see it, culture wars are unwinnable.
  historian call 1.38   Some historians have called it idealized.
  historian find 1.32   Historians find the standards flawed but fixable.
  historian suggest 1.32   Historians have not suggested that this implies promiscuity.
  historian think 1.32   Historians had long thought it had been lost.
  historian take 1.25   An art historian might take part.
  historian note 1.18   Historians note.
  historian debate 1.05   Years hence, historians will no doubt debate whose era this was.
  historian describe 1.05   Historians describe the Bataan battles as exceptionally bloody.
  historian want 1.05   So what do historians really want?
  historian write 0.99   Historians write about them.
  historian credit 0.86   Some historians credit Martin Luther with starting the Christmas tree custom.
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