highest in 32.32   Growth was highest in the U.K.
  highest of 8.03   It was the highest of golf drama.
  highest for 4.61   The risk was highest for new users of the inhalers.
  highest among 3.82   Use was highest among eighth-graders.
  highest on 2.96   The Mariners were highest on Hernandez.
  highest since 2.96   Prices reached their highest since mid-May.
  highest at 0.72   Tensions are highest at key border crossings between Montenegro and Croatia.
  highest during 0.59   Unfortunately, hotel prices are highest during this time.
  highest to 0.53   Four hours -- and death -- had dropped him from the highest to the lowest priority.
  highest from 0.39   The toll is the highest from flooding in Russia for several years.
  highest with 0.33   Black voting precincts were among the highest with Buchanan votes.
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