high pressure 183.02   This occurs at high pressure.
  high level 157.28   ...abnormally high levels of glucose.
  high price 116.13   It can fetch a high price.
  high cost 92.30   ...the high cost of office space.
  high wind 69.65   The high winds did not cease.
  high speed 56.42   He drove off at high speed.
  high rate 55.04   Are rates too high today?
  high standard 45.23   High moral standards and all that.
  high heat 44.96   Boil over high heat.
  high unemployment 42.86   Europe has low labor mobility and high unemployment.
  high risk 42.73   This is a time for high risks.
  high hope 40.55   I had high hopes of us.
  high alert 39.43   America is on high alert.
  high temperature 37.20   But what about that high temperature?
  high mark 36.80   But he gives Reno high marks.
  high quality 36.54   ...high quality glues.
  high expectation 35.68   And saddled with high expectations.
  high number 33.05   They are dying in very high numbers.
  high record 27.52   Membership is at a record high.
  high fever 26.40   High fever.
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