heterosexual couple 5.73   What about unmarried heterosexual couples?
  heterosexual contact 2.70   In Africa the disease is spread through heterosexual contacts.
  heterosexual sex 1.97   The disease is spreading through heterosexual sex.
  heterosexual marriage 1.58   Churches already have the right to not perform heterosexual marriages.
  heterosexual woman 1.38   Women, even heterosexual women in his family, are given no real voice at all.
  heterosexual man 1.32   So he was in the cultural mainstream of heterosexual men of his era.
  heterosexual relationship 1.32   Vicki said she tried a traditional heterosexual relationship.
  heterosexual transmission 0.79   Heterosexual transmission accounts for more than three quarters of all infections.
  heterosexual partner 0.66   The original bill would have included heterosexual umarried partners.
  heterosexual intercourse 0.59   Epidemic mainly spread by heterosexual intercourse.
  heterosexual parent 0.59   None of the children of heterosexual parents reported such a relationship.
  heterosexual union 0.59   Some even cited passages in the Bible regarding the sanctity of heterosexual unions.
  heterosexual male 0.46   Would a heterosexual male sing it?
  heterosexual relation 0.46   The Army does not prohibit heterosexual relations among consenting single soldiers, the newspaper said.
  heterosexual life 0.39   But I was living a heterosexual life then.
  heterosexual one 0.39   The proposed Defense of Marriage Act declares that the only legitimate union is a heterosexual one.
  heterosexual activity 0.33   In Africa the disease is mostly spread through heterosexual activities.
  heterosexual employee 0.33   Eventually, Katz said, the exemption for those companies would end and they would have to extend domestic partners benefits to heterosexual employees.
  heterosexual brother 0.26   Heterosexual brothers in the group did not.
  heterosexual epidemic 0.26   In this fashion, researchers believe, noncircumcising cultures may become especially vulnerable to a heterosexual HIV epidemic.
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