herd cattle 1.71   Cowboys cracked their whips as they herded cattle.
  herd sheep 1.32   Peasants tilled the soil and herded sheep.
  herd man 0.79   Men are herded into mosques to worship.
  herd people 0.72   The staff was organized and herded people inside the tent in a timely manner.
  herd goat 0.53   Not the children herding goats.
  herd group 0.53   Like Emery, Gentul herded a group out before the second plane hit.
  herd cat 0.46   That is not unlike trying to herd cats.
  herd hundred 0.46   In Burundi, fearful Tutsis herded hundreds of thousands of Hutus into squalid resettlement camps.
  herd animal 0.39   The animals are herded into a bay, then butchered.
  herd protester 0.39   We use rubber bullets to herd protesters, in this case, the students.
  herd student 0.39   They herded the students into the auditorium.
  herd cow 0.33   Dogs that herd cows or guard sheep are not in great demand in urban America.
  herd crowd 0.33   As midnight passed, police herded the crowds from place to place on the Purdue campus and dispersed them.
  herd refugee 0.33   The train pulls in and the refugees are herded out.
  herd woman 0.33   When Bosnian women were herded into camps to be raped?
  herd family 0.26   The family is herded out.
  herd flock 0.26   Whether herding our flocks or chasing balls, dogs enrich our lives.
  herd hostage 0.26   After an hour they herded the hostages inside the building and divided them among various rooms.
  herd livestock 0.26   Albanian farmers herd their livestock into the big bunkers at night.
  herd visitor 0.26   The visitors were herded into two large halls.
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