help line 3.62   You got your help line.
  help desk 2.76   Help desks are hotbeds of frayed nerves.
  help file 1.45   There are no help files.
  help keep 1.32   His pranks help keep the Sonics loose.
  help people 0.92   Act friendly, help people.
  help pay 0.86   Some fees help pay for more than one service.
  help system 0.86   The help system has been heavily tweaked.
  help company 0.66   Ellison also said Internet computing helps companies dramatically reduce their costs.
  help make 0.59   The characters help make travelling fun and exciting.
  help agency 0.53   The temporary help agency released no news.
  help boost 0.53   Higher Japanese rates help boost the yen by making yen-denominated deposits more attractive.
  help screen 0.53   The inadequate help screens are riddled with typographical errors.
  help feature 0.46   The mode has animated tiles to keep interest and a help feature with both text and audio.
  help section 0.39   Basic instructions for using IRC are in the help section of the program.
  help service 0.39   Some employment interviewers work in temporary help services companies.
  help button 0.33   To understand how changing your inflation number will affect your outcome, there is a help button.
  help defense 0.33   Kemp, who is a terror on help defense, has to stay home to handle Barkley.
  help facility 0.33   The help facility is multi-level.
  help form 0.33   - Get help learning proper form and technique before jumping full-speed into a class.
  help group 0.33   He helps to run Body Positive a self help group for sufferers like himself.
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