held company
22.45 |
Beatrice is a closely held company. |
held belief
5.13 |
This is a widely held belief. |
held talk
4.08 |
The two held talks on ways to improve oil prices, the agency said. |
held view
3.75 |
Hers is not a widely held view. |
held firm
2.50 |
Cosell held firm and emerged as an even more celebrated figure. |
held hostage
2.17 |
German held hostage by Moldovan gang freed. |
held secret
1.38 |
His decision to retire was a closely held secret. |
held debt
1.05 |
It is the publicly held debt that is targeted for extinction. |
held investment
0.99 |
Lehman is a privately held investment group based in Washington. |
held territory
0.92 |
He said the two rockets came from Bosnian-Serb held territory within the pocket. |
held business
0.86 |
Closely held businesses noticed. |
held maker
0.86 |
Delco Remy is a closely held maker of starters, alternators and other auto and truck parts. |
held serve
0.86 |
He double-faulted three times in one game but held serve. |
held corporation
0.79 |
Amerijet is a privately held corporation. |
held opinion
0.79 |
A widely held opinion. |
held area
0.72 |
However, in Serb held areas where many Moslems were expelled, returns are being stiffly resisted by the authorities. |
held notion
0.72 |
He also turns some commonly held notions on their heads. |
held assumption
0.66 |
All this runs counter to a commonly held assumption of the biochemical cause of obesity. |
held perception
0.66 |
Local administrators even joke about the widely held perception of their city. |
held stock
0.66 |
Both are among the most widely held Internet stocks. |