heartfelt expression 0.59   Full of heartfelt expressions.
  heartfelt condolence 0.53   All survivors received equal heartfelt condolences.
  heartfelt emotion 0.46   The atmosphere on-line was a mix of heartfelt emotion and false bravado.
  heartfelt plea 0.46   But many were heartfelt pleas.
  heartfelt thanks 0.46   You have our heartfelt thanks.
  heartfelt apology 0.39   Our most heartfelt apologies if we were mistaken.
  heartfelt conviction 0.39   But a lack of heartfelt conviction is not among them.
  heartfelt message 0.39   Nor must you spend hours oozing a heartfelt message.
  heartfelt tribute 0.39   That heartfelt tribute does not surprise Lorsch, the Harvard professor.
  heartfelt letter 0.33   Baldwin says it works if you give it with something else, such as a heartfelt letter.
  heartfelt performance 0.33   Roth is sympathetic to his actors, getting heartfelt performances that belie his usually punky screen persona.
  heartfelt sentiment 0.33   The heartfelt sentiment was almost as thick as the guilt.
  heartfelt sympathy 0.33   Heartfelt sympathies go out to Barbara and family.
  heartfelt belief 0.26   That is, a mix of ego, stubbornness, heartfelt beliefs and blind loyalty.
  heartfelt moment 0.26   He knows how to blend gratuitous audience shots of ABC stars with heartfelt moments of appreciation better than anyone.
  heartfelt prayer 0.26   Her words sound like a heartfelt prayer.
  heartfelt response 0.26   The heartfelt response is not surprising.
  heartfelt word 0.26   He spoke heartfelt words.
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