heap praise 8.69   Clinton heaped praise on Espy.
  heap scorn 2.44   His political allies heap scorn on NATO.
  heap criticism 1.58   He heaps criticism on Bush.
  heap blame 1.18   Israel and the Palestinians heaped blame on each other.
  heap plate 0.86   It came for heaping plates of ramps.
  heap abuse 0.59   The religious demonstrators heaped abuse on the police.
  heap pressure 0.59   The Boeing move heaps pressure on Airbus.
  heap body 0.46   Two dead bodies were heaped upon me.
  heap misery 0.26   The president of the association of Gaza businessmen, Mahmud al-Farr, accused Israel of heaping economic misery on the Palestinians.
  heap mound 0.26   Then they heaped mounds of mud onto the bank.
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