hawk ware 2.44   Peddlers hawk their wares.
  hawk product 0.92   Most, however, simply hawk other products.
  hawk book 0.86   Goldberg says that Tripp is not hawking a book.
  hawk goods 0.72   Merchants hawked their goods from pushcarts.
  hawk ticket 0.53   Vendors push through the crowds hawking lottery tickets.
  hawk merchandise 0.46   But can the league successfully hawk merchandise via the Internet if it cannot do so in stores?
  hawk newspaper 0.39   The boy hawks newspapers.
  hawk candy 0.26   Hawking eye candy of a different sort.
  hawk cigarette 0.26   The government moved this week against Joe Camel, the smooth cartoon dromedary that hawks Camel cigarettes.
  hawk service 0.26   Frank Rummel hawks digital services for US West.
  hawk souvenir 0.26   The trial has also brought out the spirit of free enterprise, with vendors hawking Simpson souvenirs.
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