hate crime 34.36   A hate crime?
  hate group 9.48   A hate group claims responsibility.
  hate law 4.21   Eight states have no hate crimes laws.
  hate speech 3.62   Now Israel must quit the hate speech.
  hate legislation 2.90   That has led to calls for new hate crimes legislation.
  hate bill 2.83   Gays want a hate crime bill.
  hate campaign 1.84   They had a hate campaign going, very frankly.
  hate message 1.05   There have been hate messages.
  hate site 0.99   Then there are the hate music sites.
  hate literature 0.92   In the afternoon, the judge read from hate literature produced by Lauck.
  hate material 0.72   Much American printed hate material circulates among the Swedish skinheads.
  hate figure 0.59   After the incident, he became a hate figure in the British press.
  hate propaganda 0.59   As a result, it sounded like hate propaganda to Jews.
  hate charge 0.53   The suspect currently is facing federal hate crime charges.
  hate provision 0.53   Just this week he vetoed a spending measure that had been stripped of stronger hate crime provisions.
  hate measure 0.46   The House could also attach the hate crimes measure to another bill, Kennedy said.
  hate radio 0.46   What kind of hate radio do we have in Atlanta?
  hate talk 0.46   Stop the hate talk.
  hate call 0.39   These days, she gets hate calls.
  hate case 0.39   She became noted for toughness and fairness even when confronted with personal threats and hate cases.
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