harsher penalty 6.91   Harsher penalties.
  harsher sentence 3.36   Laws here allow harsher sentences on appeal.
  harsher punishment 3.03   Lawmakers would rather see harsher punishment.
  harsher measure 1.84   So harsher measures will be proposed.
  harsher treatment 1.32   But those harsher treatments were rare.
  harsher reality 0.79   Then a harsher reality set in.
  harsher term 0.79   Critics speak in harsher terms.
  harsher action 0.72   Although he promised the weekend would be uneventful, he hinted at harsher action Monday.
  harsher tone 0.72   But Syria and Iraq, both bitter enemies of Israel, adopted a harsher tone.
  harsher view 0.66   Democrats take a harsher view.
  harsher assessment 0.53   Committee Democrats offered a harsher assessment.
  harsher condition 0.53   A washing machine, with its hot soapy water, presents far harsher conditions.
  harsher criticism 0.53   Others have harsher criticism.
  harsher word 0.53   Harsher words will come later.
  harsher environment 0.46   Wearables are likely headed for even harsher environments.
  harsher law 0.46   In the current furor, there are already calls for harsher laws and less worry about civil liberties.
  harsher attack 0.39   There also was evidence of plans for even harsher attacks.
  harsher line 0.39   In fact, his features seemed to tighten into even harsher lines.
  harsher sanction 0.39   But they stopped short of demanding harsher sanctions.
  harsher scrutiny 0.39   But one antitrust expert predicted harsher scrutiny by the Justice Department.
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